5 Simple Ways of Delivering a Good Presentation

Here’s my ‘help-kit’ I used to remember in mind when making any presentations, either in lecturing (I am a marketing lecturer) or in any informal audience-gathering seminars, conference, etc. I want to tell just a little story behind this before I go to the real section. I just happened to be a lecturer in marketing program of my undergraduate university. Besides the fact that I am an alumni to the university, I also have passion to ‘teach’ (actually I never used this phrase in front of any of my students, I’d rather go with ‘share’, triggering them to discuss more, rather than one-way lecture). I worked as an accounting private college students mentor (kinda like an assistant of specific subjects) back when I was a college student. I earn money to pay for my tuition fees and living cost (you’ll be surprised of how much a private mentor could earn in a month that time, I managed to earn almost three times of all my costs as college student). One day, after a series of working in middle to big companies as a store managers, also as CEO in my own graphic design company, I decided to become a lecturer.

My first time as a part-time lecturer kinda tricky to adapt with, especially with the fact that I never spoke in front of public before. This rank first in the human’s worst fear all around the world. What I do next is, browsing, browsing, and browsing, even spent so many times in the university’s library. What did I do? To find books of how to be a good public speaker, of how to create an amazing presentations, and mostly ‘to inspire the audience’. Here are 5 simple guidance I collect from my findings:

1. A quote from John. C. Maxwell — “A good professor turns simple things complicatedly, while a good communicator makes all complicated things simpler.” My whole lecturing life has by far affected by this quote. I’ve been trying to deliver a simpler and simpler things everyday, especially for complicated lectures I have to present to my students.

2. The power of analogy in my slides — I forgot where this came from, I just remembered that one day an ice skating mentor trying to teach the beginners (of all ages) of how to skate better on ice. Instead of using complicated methods, he once used the analog of ‘pizza slice’ to explain a command of ‘create an approximately 30 degrees on your foot to stop the skate shoe’, so he went to say ‘make a pizza slice on your foot to stop skating’. And everyone succeed. So far, I always used graphics, images, forms, shapes, to simplify things, or to explain a logic sequence in the textbook, summarizing the ‘texty’ contents into bullet points, or arrow-shaped summaries. This is like ‘sketching’ the big picture while explaining the details to the students, which I believe would help them to memorize faster and hopefully, better.

3. The keynote speech and presentations of Steve Jobs. He is by far my best reference of ‘good communicator’ in every context of public speaking. His slides were so simple, yet touching and inspiring, which are the qualities that make you remember his speech. I will cover of him in the next article, so you can also learn from him, if you’d like to.

4. A word from a public speaking mentor in youtube, I forgot his name, but I vividly remembered him saying that ‘if you want people to respond to your presentation, you gotta learn to stop talking’….so once every important section, I would stop talking and give my students the chances to discuss the specific topics. Believe me, nothing kills a lecture presentation than a monolog by your professors. A dialog wouldn’t take as much effort as the monolog, yet a better result, try it, and prove it.

5. Learn your audience well before speak to them, a tip I would never also forget. So,  when I first ‘teach’ a new class, and in every meetings thereafter, I always begin to ‘assimilate’ with them, talks with their preferences, about movies they’d probably seen last night, the last gossip on tv, a new gadget, Blackberry, Apple devices, anything that connects me with them. When I asked anything that were new terms for them, I encouraged them to give me the wrong answers, just so they know that mistakes are common when we’re students, we’re all learn from others, I knew this well because I was once a student. Having a killer professor in my class is very intimidating, and cornered my creativity to think in other point of view.

Well, hope inspires you all…bonne nuit.

How Do I Get To France // Step 2

Step 2 // Registering to DDIP

The next process would be to register with DDIP, known as ‘Double Degree Indonesia-Prancis’. This program gives out scholarship for master  and doctoral study with one year in Indonesia (for chosen universities, in my case is in Unair, Surabaya, as one of them) and another year in France. This scheme thus probably arranged with the cooperation for 50:50 shared amounts of the scholarship, which is between The Ministry of High Education of Indonesia (DIKTI) and the Government of France (the scholarship foundation former known as BGF — Bourses du Gouvernement Francais). The first year of study is in Indonesia (called M1), and the second in France (the M2). The registering process is held at Unair along with the Master study formal registration.

Mr. Lilik is the chief of the DDIP Unair program and he explained all things accordingly. Few gatherings held there to get to know it better. At that time, Unair was on its’ first time to held such program so naturally we are the first class there is of DDIP program. There were 8 of us from 15 slots offered. Probably within the next two or three weeks, we attend the first formal DDIP gathering along with other DIKTI’s scholarship awardee at Jakarta. Coming home to Surabaya, we had to face an approximately 1 year language preparation (french) and a minimum of 3.00 GPA of the first semester in Unair, no exceptions.

You guys can read the requirements, schemes, and other practical information here. The DDIP program presentation also in here.

By ferryjaolis

How Do I Get To France // Step 1

Today I’m going to share my experiences in pursuing my Master Degree. As usual, I worked as a Marketing lecturer in my undergraduate university (I don’t know whether I am able to mention brands here on blog, so I’ll just refer it to PCU from now on). At PCU, lecturers who hold only undergraduate academic titles should be taking master study soon, following the urgency of the Ministry of High Education (called DIKTI in Indonesia).  And so the journey began…

Step 1 // Applying to MSM UNAIR

I was told by my Head of Program that my application to pursue Master degree was approved, dated approximately somewhere in May or June 2011 ago. I couldn’t be happier, that small talks made my day. I rushed to my desk to clarify my options, see if I can apply for the next closest intake in September 2011. There were two options at the moment, I gotta choose between UI or Unair.  Then I found out that UI has closed for the intake, left me only the Unair option. The next week, I talked to my Dean and Vice Dean about those two options and got supported to go to UI. I really wish to study at a more practical/applied master study rather than a scientific one. We ended up with me choosing the scientific study at Unair, called Master Science Management (MSM). I gotta be honest that this is not my first option at the time. I wish I could go to either UI or the Applied Management (called Magister Management) of Unair. Well, considering my background as a lecturer, I have to take the MSM at Unair.

I applied there, finish all the tests and requirements, and ready for the study. I remembered one thing vividly about studying there. I was offered the Double Degree Program of Indonesia-France (DDIP) by the administrative staff there; her name was Riska (thanks to you Mbak Riska, if you read this). For the next few days I still considered this offer as a heavy challenge to finish my master study. Now that I am here in France, I understand completely that this was a miracle. God has a plan when He put me to study at MSM Unair. I remembered clearly that this is my last option if any others failed me, and God was there, made this unbelievably less-considered option a miracle to me.

Eguilles…’une belle région d’aix en provence’


Today we’re going to my friend’s house in Eguilles, Aix en Provence to do the homework of Prof Chandon, one of our lecturer of Data Analysis in IAE, site Puyricard. We looked around, and there are so many ‘big and beautiful’ houses or appartment on our way there. Kinda like a good neighbourhood with a little more modern architecture. And Mohua, our friend, cooked us this chinese meal, so delicious, and in ‘small portion’, so I believe one two person still hungry :)…anyway, we ended up finishing the case 4 for the next meeting in the class, but we promise to meet together again in another’s house, maybe in Phan Anh appartment, one of our friend also in the group. The good thing about our group is, we’re like this ‘omnivora’, so we can taste different cuisine, from different countries, and different cultures….it’s good to have a friend who likes to share…


By ferryjaolis

Allez au DIA supermarché…

Audjourd’hui, je suis alee au DIA, le supermarché moins cher dans le région Sextius…

Hari ini shopping kebutuhan sehari2 di supermarket DIA, atau di Belanda mungkin di kenal dengan nama Liddle. Buat temen2 yang ke aix en provence, kalo mau blanja murah utk groceries dll, wajib kunjungi DIA yang ternyata deket dengan La Poste, kantor pos, dan juga deket dari Monoprix, supermarket yg harganya lbih mahal. Di DIA, temen2 bs blanja dengan harga setengah dari Monoprix, juga agak lebih murah dari Carrefour. Lokasinya, cari dulu kantor pos di depan fontaine (air mancur gede), lalu nyusuri jalan di depan la poste tersebut hingga ketemu toko pattiserie kecil lalu belok kiri, sebelumnya dari depan laposte kalo nyusuri jalan ada plang nya gede koq…td ga sempat motret sih….de toute facon, bon shopping mes amis….


9eme jour…Day 9…

Hari ini tepat 9 hari berada di kota Aix-en-Provence yang indah…hari ini juga baru tau bahwa jalan ‘cours Mirabeau’ merupakan salah satu jalan terpadat yang dikunjungi turis dari seluruh penjuru dunia di Prancis. Jalan ini menjadi sahabat terbaik saya dkk yang berkuliah di kota ini, karena merupakan halte bus terdekat ke asrama. disini halte disebut ‘rotonde’ kemudian diikuti nama wilayahnya…misalnya di mirabeau, maka namanya ‘rotonde mirabeau’…di depan jalan ini ada fontaine, atau air mancur yg menjadi pusat perhatian di centre ville, atau pusat kotanya aix. Oya, kalo teman2 ada yg ke kota aix ini, kalo mau belanja emank bisa di monoprix, supermarket yang ada di jalan mirabeau, tapi supermarket ini masih mahal loh, yg lebih murah bisa di Liddle, atau disini namanya DIA, di wilayah SEXTIUS…dekat mirabeau koq…di supermarket DIA ini brg2nya setengah harga dari monoprix…letak toko DIA ini dekat kantor pos, disini disebut ‘La Poste’…oya, info terpenting nih, kalo mau ke belakang, disini susah sekali, hampir tidak ada tersedia toillette commun, atau toilet umum, jadi kalo mau ke belakang harus plg ke asrama. jadi harap maklum yah…kcuali mampir beli burger di kios Quick, atau di restaurant lainnya yang cukup mahal, bli makanan atau minuman trus nebeng ke toilet deh…:), ok…see u on next blog…bonne journee tout le monde…allez en France mes amis….c’est belle…

by | FJ

By ferryjaolis

Nouvelle jour, nouvelle ville

Hari ini, minggu, 11 september baru bisa menyempatkan diri menulis di blog. sejak tiba di aix en provence tgl 7 sep lalu, praktis waktu yang ada digunakan utk settle di dormitori, disini disebut cite universitaire, kalo punya saya dkk di cite de cuques. kamar yg disewakan dlm keadaan ‘kurang’ siap, jd hrs beli perlengkapan, hingga 3 perjalanan. 2 kali ke supermarket Monoprix di daerah Mirabeau, lalu trakhir hrs ke Carrefour utk dapetin yg lebih lengkap. Internet disediakan hanya pada hari pertama, hari kedua bayar sebesar 6.29 euro utk sebulan ke depan, sambil menunggu paket bundling iphone/blackberry. Inetnya sangat cepet, spt yg terlihat di film2 barat.

Tgl 12 sep besok ada orientasi mahasiswa, disini disebut ‘la rentree’ diadakan di Purycard, aix, sepertinya ini di main universitynya. exciting jg menunggu. oya, dari kami ada sebagian besar yang attestasi beasiswa masi ke blok di paris, jd harus menunggu 12 sep bsk utk menannyakan kembali ke crous aix, agar tidak bayar uang daftar ulang dan uang sekolahnya boo, ini kan mahal. mana beasiswa belum cair dari ‘ortu’ kita di Indonesia.

oya, di aix tdk akan ada salju, musim dingin hanya lewat saja kata org2, 2 hari atau 3 hari saja. seluruhnya summer, dan mungkin rain ada. kalo skrg bln sep mau msk autumn, udara nya segar, suhu krg lebh 18-29 celcius. pagi dan malem dingin, siang panas terik. oya, harus banyak in minum air karena mulut dan tenggorokan sangat kering dengan perubahan cuaca. ok, moga info ini bermanfaat buat mes amis sekalian….

a bientot,


By ferryjaolis

Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Strauss-Kahn back in France after sex assault charges dismissed

By the CNN Wire Staff
September 4, 2011 — Updated 1819 GMT (0219 HKT)

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Strauss-Kahn back in France
  • NEW: The former International Monetary Fund chief arrives at his apartment
  • His homecoming marks the end of four-month court struggle
  • A judge dismissed sexual assault charges against him
  • A New York hotel maid had accused him of assaulting her

Paris (CNN) — Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrived in Paris on Sunday morning, less than two weeks after a judge dismissed sexual assault charges against him in an international scandal that altered France’s political landscape.

The former International Monetary Fund chief was greeted with applause at a Paris airport before leaving in a private car and coming home to his apartment. He was accompanied by his wife, journalist Anne Sinclair.

On Saturday, Strauss-Kahn was mobbed by reporters in New York as he left the brownstone where he had been staying.

His homecoming marks the end of a four-month court battle involving a man who had been favored to be the next president of France.

Strauss-Kahn was pulled off a Paris-bound plane on May 14 in New York over accusations he sexually assaulted a Guinean maid in a luxury hotel suite in the city.

Days later, he resigned from the International Monetary Fund, spent a few days in jail and was put under house arrest.

His lawyers have maintained his innocence throughout the process.

“There was an act in that room that was consensual, not forcible,” Benjamin Brafman said.

Questions arose over the credibility of the accuser, Nafissatou Diallo, prompting prosecutors to back off.

In July, prosecutors said Strauss-Kahn is no longer under house arrest and dropped the charges on August 23, citing the accuser’s credibility issues.

“If we do not believe her beyond a reasonable doubt, we cannot ask a jury to do so,” prosecutors said at the time.

Strauss-Kahn largely remained in New York even after a judge removed his house arrest restrictions. The diplomat’s return to Paris on Sunday marks his first since the scandal broke out.

Strauss-Kahn’s arrest sent shock waves through France and redefined the landscape of the country’s upcoming presidential race. His homecoming raises the possibility of his return to politics or a prominent position in the government.

Strauss-Kahn still faces a civil suit from Diallo and an accusation of attempted rape by a French writer.

The diplomat and his wife have been one of France’s power couples since they married in 1989.

CNN’s Jim Bittermann contributed to this report

iPhone 5 prototype missing

Police help Apple search for missing iPhone

San Francisco police have assisted Apple in the search for a prototype of the latest iPhone that went astray in a bar in a repeat of an embarrassing loss that took place last year.

An Apple employee lost a yet-to-be-released iPhone 5 in a tequila bar in San Francisco’s Mission District in July, technology news site CNET reported this week.

After the device was electronically tracked using GPS technology to a San Francisco house, four police officers and two Apple employees visited the home, the San Francisco police said in a statement distributed to news outlets.

“Apple employees called Mission police station directly, wanting assistance in tracking down a lost item,” the press release said.

“The two Apple employees met with the resident and then went into the house to look for the lost item,” it said. “The Apple employees did not find the lost item and left the house.”

The statement did not identify the item being searched for but the title of the document carried a tantalizing hint: iPhone5.doc.

A resident of the home, Sergio Calderon, 22, told SF Weekly that he has visited the bar where the phone was reportedly lost but he did not have the device. He said the search of his house took place in July.

Cupertino, California-based Apple began selling the iPhone 4 last year and is expected to unveil the latest model, the iPhone 5, in September or October.

Word of another unreleased iPhone model disappearing in a bar came just weeks after prosecutors decided not to pursue criminal charges against Gizmodo technology bloggers who got hold of a lost iPhone 4 prototype last year.

Gizmodo published pictures and details of the iPhone prototype after buying it for $5,000 from a man who claimed to have found it in a beer garden where it was lost by an Apple software engineer.

Criminal charges have been filed against the man who purportedly found the iPhone 4 prototype and another who brokered the deal to sell it to Gizmodo.

The pair pleaded not guilty on Thursday to misdemeanor charges in San Mateo County Superior Court.